Areas of Expertise



The information age has led to unprecedented volumes of data on individuals, groups and events. The challenge for analysts and is investigators to be proactive - it is all too easy to be caught up in the day to day, responding to events as they occur and not predicting what is next. Our expert advice, training and technology can solve this problem, whether you are a corporate, government or private client.

Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security


Terrorism is a multi-faceted, ongoing and constantly evolving threat. It has changed our way of life and challenged governments to find the balance between individual freedoms and collective safety. For almost two decades, our founder has been involved in counter-terrorism investigations and advice, shaping the ability of local, regional and international bodies to protect their citizens and infrastructure. By fusing a proactive, intelligence-led response to terrorism and broader homeland security issues, we can help you remain one step ahead of the challenge.

OSINT and SOCMINT Technology


Open source intelligence (OSINT) and social media intelligence (SOCMINT) are vital for investigators and analysts regardless of whether they are examining national security, terrorism, fraud, other criminal behaviour or attempting to understand who someone really is. Our technology, advice and partnerships assist our clients to actively engage the internet, obtaining information on individuals, groups, events, competitors, potential employees and more. For more than five years, we have provided expert advice to major international sporting teams on the threats posed by social media activity, building the awareness of individuals and clubs and showing how the internet, social media and online spaces can be used for positive outcomes.

Want to know who you are really dealing with in a business transaction or recruitment? Our investigative process can provide a detailed report on their online presence that is quick and discreet.



Our clients around the world rely on being able to access cutting edge technology and solutions, but are often challenged with revealing their own information and capability gaps to the technical market. Our discreet approach allows clients to evaluate technology, procure through us and provide holistic solutions without the need to evaluate, assess and commercially engage vendors. This limitation of commercial exposure provides a vital step in the secure operation of our clients.