Intelligence and Security Consulting

Delivering homeland security, intelligence and counter-terrorism solutions worldwide

For almost two decades, members of our team have been designing, delivering and evaluating intelligence solutions around the world. Our experience, integrity and discretion have assisted our clients to achieve quality and measurable results in countering terrorism, criminal and other unwanted behaviour. With a network of quality, trusted partners in Australia, Asia and the US, we have provided both technology and human solutions to law enforcement, military and intelligence agencies as well as to corporate, sporting and tourism sectors.


Contact Us

Headquarters: Canberra, Australia

Areas of Expertise



Counter-Terrorism and
Homeland Security


Open Source, Social Media, Deep and Dark Web Technology and Investigations


“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him.”

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Get in Touch

Reach out for a discreet discussion regarding your needs today.